A Walk around the World
The length of the equator on foot
Let’s walk the world together
In recent times just three people have managed to circle the entire Earth on foot, completing the equator’s length of 24,901 miles or 40,075 km. It’s a rare event. In fact, in that time more people have spontaneously combusted, although they were all sitting suspiciously close to a fireplace.
So that’s my plan. To walk the Earth, that is. Not spontaneously combust.
This is also one of the longest charity walks in history, raising money for Médecins Sans Frontières, the disaster relief charity. I hope we can do them proud.
If you want to know more about this adventure, then a good start point is The Walk page.
You can also be a part of this thing, either in person or online, and help me make a success of it. If you’re interested, see the Get Involved page.
And all my wonderful supports on Patreon can find their goodies in the Patreon Zone.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are you going to … ?
I don’t know. Well, actually, I might, but only to begin with. I started from Port St Mary on the Isle of Man and walked scross Manchester, Birmingham and London. And then took the ferry to France and walked to Brussels. Onward from there, I’m hoping to see Cologne, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Linz, definitely Graz (many friends live there), Zagreb, Sarajevo and Istanbul. Beyond that, for now at least, it’s sketchy. Get in touch if you have a recommendation or want to join me somewhere.
How many miles a day do you walk?
So far it has varied between 15 and 35 kiloemetres per day; that’s between 10 and just over 20 miles. At the moment the low-20 kms per day feels like the sweet spot for covering some distance but not feeling worn out.
Why aren’t you walking across the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific, you fraud?
Yawn. Because there’s no bridge. Anyway, the challenge is to walk at least the length of the Earth’s equator, unlike almost everyone else who has attempted this, and return to where I started. My route is unimportant. So shut up.
I have a bad feeling about this trip. Why are you doing it?
Is that you, mum?