Left early, soon after 9, because of crappy mid-afternoon forecast, not before noticing toilet roll dispensers are on outside of the cubicles here. Sure that means everyone taking far more than they might need.
Set off and immediately saw another military grave (and then several more during the day). Some graves, no names. Were they just a random collection of severed body parts no one could recognise.
Bad weather never came, even when it was repredicted for later. Today’s walk was warm but not boiling, often over fields, with a rolling landscape rather than the usual pancake. Quite lovely.
Since I’ve lost the stick the leg is much better. Maybe i was unbalanced. And maybe i can soon increase the distances.
Campsite overpriced at 15 euro. Its advertised bar didnt exist. Ground so hard i needed to find a rock to hammer in the pegs. But i had a nice shower and washed my smelly shirt and socks.
Nice evening in the end. (I appreciate that this as been a very dull entry. Some days are like that.)
Back in France now, by the way.
Distance today (km) 18, total 928